广州市日劲金刚石制品有限公司是集研发、生产、销售金刚石制品为一体的企业。公司创建伊始,本着“质量、信誉”的经营理念,以“互尊、互重、互惠”的经营方针与各方伙伴进行合作,不断向用户提供的产品和服务。 本公司生产的金刚石制品具有锋利、耐用、经济等特点,同时可以为客户制做各种规格型号的超硬材料制品。 日劲公司愿同各客户朋友携手共进,共创辉煌!Guangzhou REGAIN Diamond Products Co., Ltd. is an modern enterprise which research、 produce and sale diamond products. At the beginning of establishing this company, we manage it on the faith of “quality first and credit first”, and at the same time, cooperate with all our partners in the light of “quality first and credit first”, and at the same time, cooperate with all our partners in the light of “mutual respect、equal position、mutual benefit” to provide our customers the best products and service. The products of us have multiple good qualities like tartness bear to wear economy。 Meanwhile, we can also custom to manufacture any specific products of super rigid materials for our customer。 Guangzhou REGAIN Diamond Products Co., Ltd. Wish to proceed with all our partners in the same goal of creating a glorious future.。